CTF Solar is a global PV player with Chinese ownership and German management. With a proud history spanning decades of PV innovations including our own thin film CdTe module technology, we are uniquely positioned to provide outstanding photovoltaic solutions around the globe.

The transition to renewable energy will involve every region on the planet. CTF Solar has the global solutions for tomorrow’s energy needs. Join us in developing, building, and operating profitable CdTe thin film solar module factories. For the benefit of your portfolio, your investors, your enterprise, and the planet.

The latest CTF Solar news 

Follow us on our mission to change the world one PV power plant at a time.

Change in CTF Solar GmbH Management Board

We would like to inform you about an important change in our management board, effective June 19, 2024. Mr. Xinjian Yin has resigned from his roles as Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of [...]

Our R&D Team Shines at the 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

From June 9th to 14th, 2024, the 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference took place in Seattle, USA, and our colleagues from the Research and Development (R&D) department had a unique opportunity to participate in this [...]

Rewe Team Challenge 2024

On June 12th, our team took part in the 15th Rewe Team Challenge. Sixteen runners, divided into four teams, successfully completed the 5 km race in the beautiful historical city centre of Dresden. The Rewe [...]

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Logo FEPCTF Solar is participating in projects together with Fraunhofer FEP. The projects are being conducted with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) awarded to the German state of Saxony. One of the projects seeks to further decrease the already low energy and material input required for the production of CdTe solar cells to reduce the environmental impact of solar cell production.

Logo EUGegenstand der Förderung ist die Durchführung der betrieblichen Ausbildung im Verbund, d. h. dass Ausbildungsinhalte in anderen Unternehmen oder Einrichtungen (Verbundpartner) ergänzend zur eigenen Ausbildung vermittelt werden. Die CTF Solar GmbH arbeitet hier gemeinsam mit der SBH Nordost GmbH zusammen.

Die Verbundausbildung umfasst die Zeit des Auszubildenden beim Verbundpartner, d. h. alle Verbundzeiträume, die innerhalb eines Ausbildungsjahres durchgeführt werden. Bezuschusst werden die Ausbildungsausgaben des entsendenden Ausbildungsbetriebes. Die Höhe des Zuschusses bemisst sich nach der Zeit, in welcher der Auszubildende an der Ausbildung beim Verbundpartner teilnimmt. Diese Kosten werden zu 50 % bezuschusst.


img_logo_njitNJIT — the New Jersey Institute of Technology
In February of 2013, CTF Solar’s parent corporation CNBM founded the CNBM New Energy Materials Research Center within the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The Center’s mission is to establish the scientific and technological foundation for a vertically integrated CdTe solar energy industry.

Contact us

When it comes to photovoltaics, we’re all ears. Let us know how we can assist you, and we’ll reply as soon as possible.

Dresden site

Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 4
01099 Dresden / Germany

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Phone: +49 351 896705-0
Fax: +49 351 896705-19
Email: info@ctf-solar.com