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Wichtiger Hinweis aus gegebenem Anlass!

Dresden/Frankurt, 15.03.2017 Unsere Stellenangebote sind stets unverbindlich. Das Zustandekommen eines Arbeitsvertrages ist an Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung und das Ergebnis eines persönlichen Bewerbungsgespräches gebunden. Bewerbungen bei CTF Solar sind kostenfrei. CTF Solar stellt Bewerbern keinerlei Leistungen in Rechnung, erhebt keinerlei Vermittlungsprovisionen und verlangt auch nicht die Beschaffung spezieller Software. Sollten Sie ohne vorheriges persönliches Gespräch einen Arbeitsvertrag erhalten, oder sollten Ihnen [...]

CTF Solar changes Management

Dresden, 17th of January, 2017 Sven Frauenstein withdraws from the Management of CTF Solar GmbH with head office in Dresden. For private reasons the long-standing manager of the company decided to step back as Managing Director with immediate effect. Sven Frauenstein held this position successfully since 2012. The chairperson of the Management Dr. Michael Harr comments on the reorganisation of [...]

Pioneer of Cadmium Tellurid Thinfilm Technology Dr. Dieter Bonnet passed away

Frankfurt, January, 2017 After long heavy illness Dr. Dieter Bonnet passed away on 29th of November, 2016 at a nursing home in Bad Homburg near Frankfurt. Dieter Bonnet was born in May, 1937 in Stuttgart. He has obtained his Master´s degree at University of Frankfurt in 1961 and his PhD at Frankfurt University in 1963 on photoelectric properties of organic materials. Dr. Dieter Bonnet [...]

Intersolar 2016: CTF Solar focusing on EPC service including construction finance solutions

At Intersolar in Munich 2016, CTF Solar is focusing on its EPC service including construction finance. This is the logical complement to its longlasting EPC service to perfectly serve customer needs to build PV Power Parks around the globe. This year marks the 4 time that CTF Solar is taking part in Intersolar. From the 22nd to 24th of June [...]

CTF Solar installed 13.54 MWp of PV in the UK last quarter

To take advantage of the ROCs (Renewables Obligation Certificates) bands, CTF Solar has built and commissioned three projects in England and Scotland before the April 1st. As a co-developer, CTF Solar acquired project rights totalling 13.54 MWp and partnered with Green Hedge (the  developer) and GreenCells, an EPC subcontractor, to build and connect three solar parks. Crystalline module technology from [...]

CTF Solar at Solarex 2016 in Istanbul

CTF Solar participated in its first Solarex this year at the Istanbul Expo Center on 7-9 April 2016. Turkey’s only major solar trade event, the 2016 Solarex Istanbul International Solar Energy and Technologies Fair attracted 216 participants, 161 of them from Turkey and 55 from abroad with 20,153 visitors in attendance. The CTF Solar booth enjoyed a steady stream of [...]